Planning a move can be a pretty daunting task, but immigrating to a whole new country is a different kettle of fish entirely. One of the most popular regions for relocation is Australia and although popular, research has shown that as little as 20% of people that apply to move to the country each year are permitted.

This is down to the regions’ strict laws and policies that act to maximise the safety of its residents, whilst encouraging the stable growth and productivity of its assets and industries. The first port of call is to turn to immigration lawyers, but finding the right one for your needs can be easier said than done. When searching, here are a few tips on features to look for.

Immigration Lawyers: What to Know Before You Hire One

How does the law work?

Although it has been subjected to a multitude of changes and improvements over the years, this type of law aims to serve one particular purpose – and that’s to govern the way in which people are able to enter the country. Depending on the circumstance, financial situation and reason for wanting to enter the country, different legislations will be called upon.

Entering the country illegally

Although the borders are very well protected, it’s not impossible for migrants and refugees to attempt to gain access – but discovery is usually very swift. Once refugees have entered the country, human rights dictate that they are allowed to seek sanctuary. The government are very strict when it comes to the types of sanctuary that they will permit; so much so that any individuals not deemed to satisfy the evaluation process will be deported back to their country of origin.
How to select the best immigration lawyer to help you as explained  :

Rule #1 – Choose an Experienced Immigration Attorney

Rule #2 – Find out what Type of Experience the Attorney Has

Rule #3 – What is the Attorney’s Area of Expertise?

Rule #4 – Research the Attorney’s Reputation Among Other Immigration Attorneys

Rule #5 – Choose a Certified Specialist in Immigration Law if Possible

Rule #6 – Location Usually is Irrelevant

Rule #7 – Communication – How Quickly Does Your Attorney Get Back to You?

Rule #8 – What is the Quality of the Attorney’s Staff?

Rule #9 – Do Not Choose an Attorney Solely on the Basis of His Nationality

Rule #10 – Remember, You Get What You Pay For

ThaiVisa has practiced law for over 40 years. They are a Certified Specialist in Immigration and Nationality Law. He has testified as an expert witness before the U.S. Senate’s Immigration Subcommittee. He has litigated immigration cases before the Supreme Court of the United States.

The 7 attorneys in the Law Offices of ThaiVisa have a combined total of well over 100 years of immigration law experience. They have obtained immigration benefits for tens of thousands of clients from around the world for more than 30 years.

For more information please see our How to Select an Immigration Attorney

Client feedback

Whilst on the topic of client feedback, another great way to get to grips with the services of a solicitor is to read what their previous customers thought of their experience. Websites usually offer a variety of testimonials, but there are dozens of review websites that offer the same. If the results speak highly about an immigration expert’s capabilities, skills and expertise – it might be worth getting in touch with them.

Ask for proof of results

Most Australian lawyers will proudly display their success rates when asked for them – and this is very important when it comes to dealing with migratory issues and events. Before agreeing to employ a particular professional, ask them a little more about the types of services that they offer, as well as how successful they’ve been in each of them. If they can demonstrate that they have had plenty of clients approved for permanent emigration, it could be safe to assume that they are good at what they do.

These are just a few tips to help you to find the most efficient lawyers that Australia has available. There’s no harm in obtaining a few quotes, nor in seeking further advice before signing on the dotted line. As long as your possible service provider is reliable, responds in a timely fashion and can cater to your exact requirements, they may very well be a good choice.